Polyandrous frogs

African foam nesting frogs represent one of the most extreme examples of polyandry in a vertebrate and this is thought to be a fertility insurance mechanism. Our paper, just published online, shows that offspring from polyandrous matings had both significantly higher...

Lizard tail waving

This yellow-striped tree skink (Lipinia vittigera) was filmed by Marc and Danielle Nardini at Angkor Wat ruins in Cambodia. While many lizards have conspicuous tails to draw predators to an ‘expendable’ body part, tail waving above the body is extremely...

Pau Carazo is awarded a short-term postdoc for 2011

The good news is that Pau Carazo, who recently completed his PhD at the University of Valencia, has won an Endeavour Award. This will fund him for a six month visit to the Lizard Lab in 2011, beginning in late February. An interesting, fun fact about Pau, is that he...