The latest ground-breaking news from the lab is that Pau Carazo, who is currently ranked the top postdoc in the lab, has won the prestigious Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. This highly competitive annual prize is awarded to the best 1-2 doctoral students in their discipline (Pau won the prize for Life Sciences). This award recognises the high quality of his PhD, which he completed in 2010 at the University of Valencia in Spain, under the supervision of Prof. Enrique Font. Pau’s thesis addressed important questions in animal communication and is entitled “The behavioural ecology of animal signals: a functional theoretical perspective and its application to the study of scent marks in the lizard Podarcis hispanica”. This is an amazing accomplishment and well deserved! When Pau leaves the lab in the middle of the year, he will be taking up a Marie Curie fellowship and joining Tommaso Pizzari’s group at the Edward Grey Institute at the University of Oxford. To learn more about Pau or to read some of his work, visit his web site:
Here are some photos of Pau in action in the field:
- Pau with a baby Olive Python.
- Pau hard at work studying Blueys in Kununurra.
- This sign is at the turn-off to Fogg Dam, on the Arnhem Highway.
- Pau at Fogg Dam, just near Darwin.
- Pau (on right) with Charlie, the lead actor in the Crocodile Dundee movies.
- Pau in Wyndham (WA), on his way to inspect the research facilities of the Save the Gouldian Fund.