by Whiting | May 14, 2013 | Cane toad cognition, Cane toads, Lab news, Lizard Lab adventures
The Kimberley in Western Australia is a vast expanse of wilderness, famous for its pristine gorges and unique fauna. It’s also home to the highest species richness of goannas—up to 10 are sympatric in some areas. Sean Doody (University of Tennessee and Newcastle),...
by Whiting | Oct 18, 2012 | Cognition, Lab news, Water skink project
For anyone interested in comparative cognition, these are exciting times and 2012 has been a good year for lizards! Manuel Leal and Robert Powell’s study of Anolis cognition demonstrated that lizards are capable of behavioural flexibility. (Behavioural flexibility, a...
by Whiting | Jun 9, 2012 | Behaviour, Cognition, Lab news, Science news
Read an account of our recent work on mole-rat spatial cognition by Dani Cooper of ABC science. This work was carried out by Lydia du Toit while she she was on a postdoc with Martin. Mole-rats varied life boosts the brain — ABC Science ...
by Whiting | May 30, 2012 | Cognition, Lab news, Publications
We have just published a study on African mole-rat cognition which provides evidence that captivity in a less stimulating environment can result in a decline in cognitive performance. Recently caught mole-rats from the wild performed better in a maze test than...
by Whiting | Nov 27, 2011 | Cane toad cognition, Cane toads, Lab news
In case you are not Australian, you may not know that the cane toad was introduced into Australia in 1935 to control beetle pests in sugar cane fields in Queensland. Martin is working with Pau Carazo, Rick Shine and Josh Amiel on toad cognition and brain structure. In...