by Whiting | Aug 22, 2012 | China field work, Lab news, Publications, Toad-headed agamas
Gilead Amit has featured our recent PLoS One paper (full reference below) in New Scientist. Read the article by clicking the link below. Cold-blooded burrow sharing in Tibetan lizards and to download the PLoS One article for free, click on the article diagram below. Y...
by Whiting | Jun 12, 2011 | Behaviour, China field work, Lizard Lab adventures, Toad-headed agamas, Uncategorized
We are currently in a race against the clock. Unfortunately the weather hasn’t exactly been kind to us. Yesterday was great, we had a nice sunny day and collected tons of data. (We are in China visiting and assisting Dr. Qi Yin on his toad-agama project with an eye to...