by Whiting | Aug 5, 2013 | Animal signals, China field work, Lizard Lab adventures, Phrynocephalus, Toad-headed agamas
Take a look at photos from our field work in northern China, where we were studying complex communication in toad-headed agamas (Phrynocephalus). Our photos are loaded on Flickr, where you can view pictures of our study animals and past field trips. Click on the photo...
by Whiting | Jun 29, 2013 | China field work, Dispatches from the field, Lab news, Lizard Lab adventures, Phrynocephalus, Social behaviour, Toad-headed agamas
I am currently in Xinjiang Province, northern China, with Dr. Qi Yin, our collaborator from the Chengdu Institute of Biology (CIB), which is part of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). We have funding from CAS to study the evolution of complex visual signals in...