by Whiting | Dec 2, 2017 | Animal signals, Behaviour, China field work, Colour, Communication, Crocodile lizard, Dispatches from the field
It’s been a very busy year, which explains why I am only now writing this blog post from my trip to China earlier this year (May-June). I had the amazing opportunity of seeing one of the world’s most endangered lizards—the crocodile lizard (Shinisaurus crocodilurus),...
by Whiting | Nov 10, 2013 | Animal signals, China field work, Communication
Read our latest lab post on CNN iReporter to see video of a Chinese toad-headed agama taking charge of a researcher (name withheld). Note that there are two videos. The better video is the second one, behind the first one (click arrow/number). Here is a photo of said...
by Whiting | Aug 22, 2012 | China field work, Lab news, Publications, Toad-headed agamas
Gilead Amit has featured our recent PLoS One paper (full reference below) in New Scientist. Read the article by clicking the link below. Cold-blooded burrow sharing in Tibetan lizards and to download the PLoS One article for free, click on the article diagram below. Y...
by Whiting | Jul 19, 2012 | Behaviour, China field work, Lab news, Lizard Lab adventures, Toad-headed agamas
Blog posting by Dr. Qi Yin, Chengdu Institute of Biology (CAS) When you see the colorful and threatening face above, what response does this evoke? Imagine a lizard predator about to grab a lizard and suddenly it flares it’s cheek flaps and simultaneously...
by Whiting | Jul 6, 2012 | Behaviour, China field work, Lab news, Lizard Lab adventures, Toad-headed agamas, Uncategorized
This dispatch comes to you from the Tukai Desert in north-west China, a short drive (about 15 km) from the Kazakhstan border. We are three weeks into a six-week field trip. The lab is currently working on the evolution of complex tail waves and colour signals in Asian...