by Whiting | Oct 29, 2013 | Lab news
News flash: Dan Noble has finished his PhD! While Dan still has the official graduation ceremony in his future, we had a small signing ceremony in the lab. Dr. Keogh (Dan’s co-supervisor), brought a special pen from Canberra, the nation’s capital, just for...
by Whiting | Oct 21, 2013 | Lab news, Lizard Lab adventures
Recently, Martin Whiting and Lizard Lab alumnus Pau Carazo made a pilgrimage to Down House, Charles Darwin’s family home where he wrote the Origin of Species and many of his other classic works and where he conducted many of his experiments. It was a highly...
by Whiting | Feb 25, 2013 | Books, Lizard ecology, Science news
The Lizard Lab recently had the pleasure of a visit from Steve Wilson and he was kind enough to bring a few copies of his new book Australian Lizards: A Natural History. As Steve points out in the preface, we don’t hear people talking about lizards nearly enough! The...
by Whiting | Feb 2, 2013 | Lab news
For those of you with Instagram accounts, the Lizard Lab has just launched it’s own account: lizardlab Please follow us! Here’s a sample of our Instagram photos:
by Whiting | Jan 9, 2013 | Conservation, Publications, Science news
With the exception of perhaps crocodiles and turtles, the attention devoted to the conservation of reptiles has for a long time lagged behind that devoted to birds and mammals. A recent study published in Biological Conservation, to which we contributed a small amount...